Oct 12 2022

Intellectual Property Law Panel Event for UIC Pre-Law (co-sponsored by UIC LAS Pre-Law Advising and the UIC School of Law Center for IP, Information and Privacy Law)

October 12, 2022

4:00 PM - 5:15 PM


UIC Law School, Goldberg Courtroom (S-410)


300 S. State Street, Chicago, IL

UIC Pre-Law students are invited to learn about four highly specialized areas of Intellectual Property Law from a distinguished panel of four leading Chicago attorneys:

  • William McGrath, Davis McGrath – Copyright
  • Howard Rockman – Howard B. Rockman, P.C. -  Licensing
  • Scott McBride, McAndrews IP, - Patents
  • Shyla Nicole Jones-Ali, Charles Schwab – Trademarks

Join us at the UIC Law School on State Street in Chicago's loop for an engaging discussion and Q & A session. IP Law is one of the few practice areas in which it does matter what you major in as an undergrad. Learn what Intellectual Property law is, how to prepare for a career as an IP attorney, and what it's like to practice IP law. Plus, you will visit the UIC Law School and the Goldberg Courtroom where the session will take place.

This event is being co-sponsored by UIC LAS Pre-Law Advising and the UIC School of Law Center for IP, Information and Privacy Law.




Bradley Mueller

Date posted

Sep 27, 2022

Date updated

Oct 3, 2022